Making Life Purposeful

Enquirers | Explorers | Innovators | Thinkers


LONG WISE - our Mission for the School

LONG WISE is a very insightful articulation of the mission of our School.

We believe in the development of both Academics & Attitude.

Literacy Oracy Numeracy and Graphicacy constitute LONG

Wellness Intensity Sensibility & Empathy make WISE


Learners come in all ages! We are a K-12 school, and our first batch commenced in 2022. We are very proud that in less than two years we have grown as a school and now offer higher classes. We’re energetic, deliberate, and ready to welcome our students to their interactive smart classrooms.



Digital Learning CBSE School. Early Robotics

Being the 21st century school, we intend to compete with the best in the world. Our tech

vertical conducts age-appropriate STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art &

Mathematics) projects encouraging innovation and invention.

  • Young Coders

  • Computer Labs

  • Early Robotics

  • World Class Digital Learning